
When prompted to characterize Johnny, these are just a few of the words used by family and friends. Johnny transcends the typical teenage mold, possessing a wealth of inspiration to share with the world.

I captured Johnny amidst a collection of distinctive wooden bowls and platters that he meticulously crafted. Witnessing his capacity to transform a piece of wood into a breathtaking work of art is nothing short of awe-inspiring. While peers his age are often absorbed in digital screens, Johnny invests his spare moments in the act of creation. What makes it truly magical is his well-rounded nature; in addition to his artistic pursuits, Johnny has a strong passion for fishing, cross-country running, and hockey, and engages in community service. He is not only a craftsman but also a humble and kind neighbor and friend.

Johnny’s grandfather, Buddy, a master craftsman and cabinetmaker, once remarked to Johnny’s father, “That boy has hands of Midas; everything he touches turns into gold.” This pronouncement, made years ago when Johnny was just beginning to explore his artistic inclinations, foretold his exceptional talent. Unaware of this sentiment, Johnny has since produced numerous pieces worthy of his late grandfather’s admiration and respect. A source of immense pride.

Through his pursuits, Johnny casts a radiant light on every project he undertakes, illuminating both the work itself and the people fortunate enough to be around him. A truly unique and gifted soul. 

As a Limited Edition Artist Project, I will be offering special “Shine Your Light” studio portrait sessions. By collectively illuminating our paths, we extend a guiding light to those lost in the darkness. Stay tuned for more images featuring individuals of all ages shining their light. Reach out to discover more about this Artist’s Project.

Everyone has a Story. Let’s Tell Yours Together.

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