Time passes more quickly than we realize. Over the past several years, I’ve been writing about my passion for capturing milestones as well as the small moments in time for you. We can’t stop time, but we can preserve the memories.

Our babies become toddlers and preschoolers and our tweens become teen and adults. I’ve been sharing these thoughts from the perspective of both a professional photographer and a mother. Today, my baby (my teeny-tiny premie baby) drove herself to school for the first time…

Children grow taller than their parents, teens go off to college, family dynamics change — I can’t tell you how many families express their gratitude for the Family Portraits they have created along the way.

Preserving memories of childhood for a lifetime of enjoyment brings me so much pleasure. I hope you take many snapshots of your adventures along the way. And contact us today if you’d like to book a portrait session to capture the moments for your family.

Preschool Days….


Through the years…